America is Burning

The world’s a disaster right now. The situation sucks for a lot of people. I keep hearing people say “we’ll get through this.” Yeah, we will…and I’m not so worried about that part. We’re hardwired for survival.

I’m far more concerned about the world we’re walking into. Once these crises are over, what are we left with? It’s so critical to have a sense of vision. If we don’t think about what we want to create, all we’re going to be left with is destruction and ruin.

And that’s a world that young people like me will have to live through for a long time. There is no leadership now. No public official is going to save us. America is burning and there’s nowhere to run. I’m hoping the people will decide what kind of lives and communities they want to build in the wake of all this.

In order to do that, we must go beyond knee-jerk reactions, and in a crisis the one thing that’s easy to do is react. However, what we need is a conscious response, and that’s not the opposite of a knee-jerk reaction.

I’m doing what I can in small steps. I’m starting my clinic business and it’s not an easy time for that. I’m doing it anyway. The isolation from Covid has worn on my psyche in a way I can’t even put into words. Some days I’m so depressed that my mind barely functions. Other days I’m fine – so it’s a strange shift back and forth, and I’m not alone in this. I’ve seen this pattern in others.

I’m not worried about making it through this – I know we’ll make it.

I’m worried about what the world is going to look like on the other side.

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